How do I download a cloudLibrary eBook?


To download a cloudLibrary eBook, you will first need to download the appropriate cloudLibrary app for your device. Once you have downloaded the appropriate app, follow these steps:

  1. Open the app and select a Language. 
  2. Select your Country, State/Region, and Library. Press Next. 
  3. Press Accept if you agree to the End User License Agreement, Terms of Use, and Privacy Policy. 
  4. Enter your Library Card # and PIN/Password. Press Login.
  5. From your dashboard, press the Search icon in the menu at the bottom of your screen.
  6. Enter your search terms into the search bar at the top of the screen, or browse Featured, Favorites, or All titles. (Note: Limit your search results by pressing the hamburger menu in the upper right corner). 
  7. When you find a title you would like to borrow, press the green Borrow button. Then press the blue Read button to open the book. 

To access all of the titles you have checked out, press My Books in the menu at the bottom of your screen. From this list, press the blue Read button when you're ready to read a title, or press the red Return button when you're done reading the book and would like to return it. 

  • Last Updated Sep 22, 2020
  • Views 899
  • Answered By Catherine Hoang

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