I am trying to find historic images of san diego. The san diego digital library(linked sited) seems to have only library images
I need to find unique images of historic san diego-- ideally high quality. Is there a database I should be querying? So far I have not had any luck-- only lists of books with images and archival library photos.
Thank you for your query. Please follow this link: http://www.sandiegohistory.org/online_resources/gallery.html. It is from the San Diego Historical Society.
As far as high quality digital images, Google Images (images.googles.com) can also be of good use. Using keywords "historic san diego," you will see a good selection of images. Also, the Special Collections section at the Central library has unique photographs of historic San Diego.
Feel free to contact the Central Library directly at (619) 236-5800 for further information.
Thank you.
Albert Elguira
Interlibrary Loan Section
San Diego Public Library
820 E St.
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 236-5823