How do I place a hold?



Most circulating library materials* can be placed on hold through the Library catalog. If you provided an email address on your library account, you will be notified via email when your hold is available for pick up.

  • Placing a hold online: Locate the title in the Library Catalog. Click on the green "Place Hold" button and follow the instructions on the screen.
  • There is no fee to place a hold.
  • Holds are valid for 365 days.
  • Patrons with permanent library cards may place up to 25 holds on titles in the physical collection and up to 5 holds on titles in the eCollection. Patrons with temporary accounts are limited to two holds.
  • Holds will be held for 13 days from the date notification was sent to you that your items are ready for pick-up.
  • Placing holds over telephone: To have an available item held for you or sent to another San Diego Public Library location, call the Library branch which has the title.

*No holds can be placed on the following library materials: reference titles, magazines, Express books or electronic items.

  • Last Updated Dec 27, 2019
  • Views 795
  • Answered By Phil Gunderson

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  1. They should make a button to release a hold that is no longer wanted.
    by Kerrie on May 19, 2016