How do I request an obituary or article search?


Newspaper Article/Obituary/ Death Notice Requests


The services offered by the Newspaper Room of the San Diego Public Library include searching for and producing copies of obituaries and articles from the San Diego Union-Tribune.  If your question requires more in-depth research than the library staff is able provide, you will be sent a list of independent professional researchers.  The research to find the obituary/death notice or article citation is free. If an article/obituary/death notice is found, we will notify you and the exact charge for obtaining the information.  Basic charges are as follows:

          $ 3.00    mailing, per request                 International mailing:  $10.00

             5.00    handling, per source/date

               .15   copy fee, per page

          $ 8.15   for the one date  


Please note: Your charges may be more if you are ordering more than one article/obituary/death notice or your information is multiple pages.


Please also note: We only search the San Diego Union-Tribune newspaper and the photocopies are from the microfilm that are not of the highest quality but are acceptable for informational and research purposes.

We do not e-mail articles/death notices/obituaries for free. We do not FAX information.


Multiple (1 - 5) copies mailed together will be charged the $3.00 mailing fee once (more the 5 copies may be charged additional postal fees).  Please send your request via email or written correspondence to:  

San Diego Public Library

Special Collections

330 Park Blvd.

San Diego, CA 92101


  • Last Updated Jul 07, 2021
  • Views 3451
  • Answered By Phil Gunderson

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